So how does it work?
If you’re an educator or group leader with access to ten PCs, then organising a coding event around the 1-Hour-Website is the next step. Everybody can do this one, either with their church, their club, a birthday party or school class. The 1-Hour-Website is a way to bring everyone together and see who can complete it within the hour. There’s a bonus section and a surprise result in the end.
What’s the 1 Hour Website?
It’s a very dynamic, no-internet-needed event that creates a web landing page using what’s already installed on the PCs – The built in browser, notepad and instructions. No installations are needed.
01: For the Coding Event
The 1-hour website is a great starting point for teaching your first class about coding , download these resource to have everything you need to get started.
02: Prep Material
The 1-hour website is a great starting point for teaching your first class about coding , download these resource to have everything you ned to get started.